Day One: Monday, June 7th, 2021

event Zoom links emailed to registered participants daily

8:00 PST/ 9:00 MST/CST/ 10:00 CDT/ 11:00 EST/ 17:00 CEST:

Opening Prayer with Elder Gilman Cardinal

08:15 PST / 09:15 MST/CST / 10:15 CDT / 11:15 EST / 17:15 CEST:

Marilyn Dumont: ‘Where am I when I say I am in Alberta?:  A talk and reading around archival research, family genealogy & land tenure in the province, territorial knowledge/acknowledgement and personal identity’

9:00-10:00 PST / 10:00-11:00 MST/CST / 11:00-12:00 CDT / 12:00-13:00 EST/ 18:00-19:00 CEST:

Keynote: Billy-Ray Belcourt, ‘Reflections on Poetic Method and Decolonization’ with respondent Daniel Heath Justice

10:00 PST/ 11:00 MST/CST / 12:00 CDT / 13:00 EST / 19:00 CEST:

Break: Optional Zoom visiting space and/or screen break

10:30-11:50 PST/ 11:30-12:50 MST/CST / 12:30-13:50 CDT / 13:30-14:50 EST/  19:30-20:50 CEST:


Session A: “Haudenosaunee Inheritances of Sound, Image, and Governance”

Chair: Kaitlin Debicki

Gage Karahkwí:io Diabo, “‘I didn’t hear the birds singing’: The Sound of Condolence in Beth Brant’s Stories”

Rick Monture, “‘We want justice from now on’: Chief Deskaheh versus Truth and Reconciliation"

Alix Shield, “Picturing E. Pauline Johnson/Tekahionwake: Illustration and the Construction of Indigenous Authorship in Legends of Vancouver

Session B: “The Poetics of Land and Water Kinship”

Chair: Marie-Eve Bradette Translator: Isabella Huberman

Juliane Egerer, “Relating to Earth: The Western World in Dire need of Indigenous Knowledges – Learning with Transcultural Comparative Literary Studies”

Malou Brouwer, “Video poetry of/on the land: Heid Erdrich’s ‘Pre-Occupied’ and Natasha Kanapé Fontaine ‘Nous nous soulèverons’”

Camille Roberge, “Effritement des frontières: Imaginer une théorie de la trans-ontologie avec les littératures autochtones”

11:50 PST/ 12:50 MST/CST / 13:50 CDT / 14:50 EST / 20:50 CEST:

Zoom visiting space available